The book from Ed Hume got here today, so hope I hear from Ciscoe soon. Just a couple of "garden" stories. There's a weed that has little yellow blossoms on top of a plant w/leaves much like that of carrots (probably should know the name of it, but can't remember right offhand). Anyway when Audrey was about 4, she was helping Mother pull weeds; she managed to pull up almost all of the carrot starts, but left all of those weeds that were in the carrot row.
When Grandma & Pop lived in the house where we grew up (they moved in when we moved to Illinois & stayed until Pop died), they always had a big strawberry patch. Pop was very particular about the looks of the berries he sold--Grandma got the "nubbins" for jam. Whenever Grandma picked the strawberries, she always carried a big nail and stabbed any snails she came across.
The couple of years that Pop was alive after Vic was old enough to eat car
rots, Pop made sure the first row in his garden was carrots so Vic could pull & eat his own.
Here's a picture showing just part of the results of Anna May's "green thumb" in her later years and this is just a small sampling of the many wonderful gardens, both flower & vegetable, that she had through the years.
Last night I mentioned that we had been to Church, but we didn't go to Church until I was about 11 when one of the churches in town started sending a bus out to pick up kids around Sumner. Anyway the first time I remember ever going to Sunday School I was about 6 or 7 and had been invited by someone from the Free Methodist Church--was only invited once. The Free Methodist Church is a pretty fundamentalist denomination and Pop was aware of that--he helped me prepare by teaching me a song.
You've probably all heard, and maybe even sung, the chorus: Hallelujah, Thine the glory; Hallelujah, Amen; Hallelujah, Thine the glory; revive us again. Pop taught me his version: Hallelujah, I'm a bum; Hallelujah, amen; Hallelujah, give me a handout to revive me again.
Another thing that happened that morning was that when the teacher asked us to sing "Jesus Loves Me," I told her I didn't need to--I'd already sung it.
Like Mother, like son. When Mark was in kindergarten the teacher wanted the class to practice for the Christmas program and Mark told her he didn't want to--he'd already done it once.
The other picture is Pop & me at about the time of my Sunday School intro. I don't know if you can see that I was wearing glasses, but I've worn them since I had the measles when I was three.
I think that's it for tonight.
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