Saturday, April 4, 2009

     When Anna May died, her hospice nurse told me: "you're the 'old fart' now; you'll have to tell the stories." That's why I've been thinking for quite awhile of starting a blog. I will try to tell some of the stories I've heard from my parents and other older relatives, some of my stories, some of the kids' growing up and some of the things that are happening in my life at this time. Things may or may not be in chronological order and I don't expect to blog every day--I might for several days in a row & then not for several days--kinda "catch as catch can."
If I write something that offends you, please know it's not intentional, but sometimes as I'm telling things, my politics, etc., might get mixed in. I've had people tell me that I'm opinionated, but one of the things I've learned in this life is that opinions are like bellybuttons (fooled you, huh, Vic?), everyone has one, but some are more willing to show theirs.
Currently I'm trying to work 2 full days a week, usually Tuesday & Thursday, but sometimes I'll be working parts of a Wed, Fri or Sat. Unless I'm doing a home show--and I don't have any of them coming up soon, I don't work on Sundays. 
Besides that, I'm sure you all know that I'm pretty involved with the Puyallup Relay for Life. I believe this is the 3rd year I've been team captain for SOTH's team and it's the 2nd year I've been on the committee. I'm glad today was a nice day--about 60--because I stood/sat  in a canopy for RFL in Pioneer Park before, during & after the Daffodil parade handing information to interested people. I think we'll get at least 2 more teams out of it and possibly 4 or 5, so it was a productive time.
It had been a long time since I'd been to the parade, and have there ever been changes--the floats are fewer in number and not nearly as ornate as they used to be. One of the groups was about 20 old tractors single file--how exciting that was!
Also, for the "severaleth" year I'm chair of the Women's Retreat committee from Church--fortunately, that doesn't take much time throughout the year.

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